Research shows that safe and decent housing is linked to the emotional, physical, and social well-being of families. Kids do better in school, adults have the opportunity to increase their earning potential, and communities are strengthened when their citizens have safe and decent shelter. To help families realize their full potential, we offer two programs: Homeownership and Home Repair. Habitat may be able to help if you, or someone you know, is living in substandard housing and/or paying more than 30% of your income towards rent. Applicants must qualify based on need, ability to pay, and willingness to partner.
Homeownership Application
Download or print
Home Repair Application
Download or print
Please note: Applications cannot be processed without income documentation.
For information about applying for our Home Repair program and the qualifications and criteria of our homeownership program, please call our Affiliate office at 828-524-5273.
How the Habitat Model Works
- Habitat offers a hand up, not a hand out
- Habitat builds homes and sells them to qualified families at no-profit
- Community volunteers help keep costs down
- Home buyers must meet qualifications based on need, willingness to partner, and ability to pay
- Homeowners pay back an affordable mortgage, typically over 30 years
- Mortgage payments depend on the size of house and family and do not exceed 30% of the homebuyers gross monthly income
- Homeowners also perform a minimum of 200 hours of sweat equity as part of their partnership with Habitat
Frequently Asked Questions
How many houses has Macon/Jackson NC Habitat for Humanity built?
We have built 27 new homes and repaired numerous existing homes. We have also assisted many nonProfits and Community Agencies on remodeling and repair work.
Who can apply to own an Macon/Jackson NC Habitat for Humanity home?
Anyone who is 18 years of age or older and has the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract may apply for a Macon/Jackson NC for Humanity home.
Do you have to have children to become a Habitat homeowner?
No. Anyone regardless of household makeup, color, sexuality, age, ethnicity, background, faith, etc. can apply for a home.
Do you give the houses away?
Habitat is not a give-away program. It is a “hand-up, not a hand-out”. Once approved, future homeowners work in partnership with sponsors and volunteers. Future homeowners complete required sweat equity (volunteer work) which includes taking Homeownership Classes, attending Habitat events, volunteering in
the ReStore, and building their home and the homes of their neighbors. Homeowners pay back the cost of their house through an affordable mortgage.
the ReStore, and building their home and the homes of their neighbors. Homeowners pay back the cost of their house through an affordable mortgage.
Where does Habitat build?
Macon/Jackson NC Habitat for Humanity’s service area is Macon and Jackson NC counties.
What kind of houses do you build?
MJNC Habitat for Humanity generally builds modest 2 & 3-bedroom single-family houses that range from 900 to 1,700 square feet in size.
What is the cost of a Habitat home in the Macon/Jackson NC area?
Depending on the size, Habitat houses cost the homeowner between $95,000 and $120,000. The fair market value of these houses is between $115,000 and $145,000. To be affordable for the homeowner, mortgage payments will not exceed 30% of the household income.
Who funds Macon/Jackson NC Habitat for Humanity houses?
Individuals, businesses, faith communities, civic organizations, foundations, government programs, revenue from the Habitat ReStore and mortgage payments from Habitat homeowners all come together to fund Habitat’s building programs.
Do you have any other housing programs?
Yes! We also offer a Home Repair program for low-income homeowners in Macon and Jackson Counties. Through this program, folks who already own their own home, but are having trouble maintaining it, can apply for services including exterior painting/staining, interior, and exterior repairs, floor repair, roof repair, modifications for accessibility, and more. Visit the Home Repair page for complete details.
How can I get involved with your work?
To explore the many ways to contribute to Habitat – as a volunteer, donor, sponsor, or advocate – please visit our How to Help page.
What is your connection to Habitat for Humanity International?
Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. HFHI seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat for Humanity operates in nearly 1,400 communities across the U.S. and in over 70 countries around the world. We share a name and a vision with Habitat for Humanity International, but we are an independent corporation governed by a local board of directors.
Does Macon/Jackson NC Habitat for Humanity donate any money to Habitat International?
Is Habitat a Christian organization?
Macon/Jackson NC Habitat for Humanity, Inc. (MJNC) works to ensure that every family in Macon and Jackson Counties have a safe and decent house by offering affordable homeownership and home preservation opportunities for qualified families. Since 1993, Macon/Jackson NC Habitat, an independent affiliate of the ecumenical Christian housing ministry Habitat for Humanity International, has welcomed people of all faiths, ethnicity, sexuality, and backgrounds to its organization and communities. You do not have to be Christian to volunteer or apply for housing with MJNC.

In accepting and rejecting applications, Macon/Jackson NC Habitat for Humanity must conform to all aspects of the Fair Housing Act and all Fair Housing Laws, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Privacy Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as any local applicable laws as they apply to applications